Essential oils are comprised of liquids extracted from various beneficial plants. Used in a range of products and popular in aromatherapy. Essential oils are generally safe when used correctly and we are not recommending them as a replacement to medical attention. You can find a variety of oil burners & diffusers by CLICKING HERE
Goloka essential oil products will evoke one's mind, body, sense and spirit back to its normal and more. Natural essential oils can be used for massage, bath, perfume, vaporization, diffusing, and as a repellent. 10ml Juniper Berry Goloka oil.
Goloka essential oil products will evoke one's mind, body, sense and spirit back to its normal and more. Natural essential oils can be used for massage, bath, perfume, vaporization, diffusing, and as a repellent. Lavender is the mildest but most effective of all essential oils. Antiseptic skin care, restores balance, and encourages sleep. 10ml Lavender Goloka oil
Goloka essential oil products will evoke one's mind, body, sense and spirit back to its normal and more. Natural essential oils can be used for massage, bath, perfume, vaporization, diffusing, and as a repellent. Lemongrass is uplifting, refreshing, will banish unpleasant smells and kills germs. 10ml Lemongrass Goloka oil
Goloka essential oil products will evoke one's mind, body, sense and spirit back to its normal and more. Natural essential oils can be used for massage, bath, perfume, vaporization, diffusing, and as a repellent. Ylang Ylang is an antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, and is a nervine and sedative substance. 10ml Ylang Ylang Goloka oil.
Patchouli Goloka essential oil products will evoke one's mind, body, sense and spirit back to its normal and more. Natural essential oils can be used for massage, bath, perfume, vaporization, diffusing, and as a repellent. Patchouli essential oil is soothing, boost energy, and promotes harmony. 10ml Patchouli Goloka oil
Anoint candles, magical implements, charms, talismans, and your body to honour Archangel Gabriel, for visions, divine inspiration, prophecy, and for all workings associated with elemental Water. Made on the day and in the hour of the Moon. 15ml bottle.
Anoint candles in the room of the sick person, and if their health permits, anoint the person themselves to speed healing. Made on the day of Mercury and in the hour of the Sun. 15ml bottle.
Anoint candles, magical implements, charms, talismans, and your body to honour Archangel Metatron, for union with the absolute, ascending higher realms, and for motivation to move forward in your life. Made on the day and in the hour of the Sun. 15ml bottle
Anoint candles, magical implements, charms, talismans, and your body to honour Archangel Michael, for courage, energy, direction, protection, and for all workings associated with elemental Fire. Made on the day and in the hour of either the Sun or Jupiter. 15ml bottle
Anoint candles, charms, talismans, and your body to increase your sexuality and passions, and to attract sexual partners. Made on the day of Mars and in the hour of Venus. 15ml bottle