Lapis allows you to open yourself to the spirit world and infinite possibilities of the imagination. Lapis may assist you with vitality, wisdom, disorganization, the immune system, relaxation, and depression. Great for bringing about insight and spiritual transformation. 1lb Untumbled Lapis by size only not stone count. From India.
Offering 1 lb of mixed untumbled stone, this collection is for anyone who simply adores exploring using the energy of stones in their raw natural form, offering a wide selection at great value. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. From India.
Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills. 1lb Untumbled Rainbow Moonstone. Sold by weight only not stone count, from India.
Pyrite is a powerful protection stone and will shield you against all forms of negative energy. Also known as fool's gold and is one of the best feng shui stones for attracting wealth energy. May also assist you with memory, physical healing, emotions, intellect, and acts as shield of protection. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count from Peru.
Raw/Natural, un-tumbled quartz, a stone highly valued for its spiritual and energetic qualities, known for being able to absorb and store energy. Open yourself up to source and divine wisdom with this Quartz. Quartz is a master healer that will work on any condition, as well as amplifying and powering your intentions.Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. 3/4"x 1/2" - 1" x 2". From India.
Rose quartz is the stone of love and compassion. Given to humans by Cupid the roman god of desire and Eros the god of love as a gift of love. Said to help with trust and reconciliation as it soothes and harmonizes the negative emotions with the energy of love. It has the energy to work with the heart chakra and may help you accept and understand past situations, while restoring your trust. May also assist with forgiveness, phobias, fears, unconditional love, and guilt. A great stone to wear or carry daily for all aspects of love, whether attracting love, nurturing an existing love, or for the most important self love. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. From India. Large Chunks
Natural Topaz can come in a variety of beautiful colors. This batch consisting mostly of pale browns, yellows, and clear ones. Topaz works with and aligns the meridians of the body, directing energy to where it is needed. May bring joy, generosity, abundance, and good health. 1lb untumbled Topaz. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. 34 - 38 stones. 5/8" x 1 1/8" - 1 1/8" x 2" From India.
Tektite is believed to strengthen the aura and raise vibrations, also used for wisdom and knowledge. It is believed to enhance the integration of higher energies received from other realms, among other benefits. Each stone has it's own individual qualities, flaws, perfections and imperfections. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. From China.
This wonderful set provides you with small stone pieces under an 1" each with some pieces being chip size. Rose Quartz , Green Quartz, Crystal, Black Tourmaline, Sodalite, and Brazil Orange Calcite to aid you in your rituals, spells, and crystal healing practices. From Brazil.
You will feel the peaceful, tranquil energy the moment you hold one of these pieces. Lepidolite is known as one of the best mood stablizers because it contains a high amount of lithium, which aids in anxiety. May also help with balance of the mind and spirit, energy blocks, true happiness, balance, harmony, and finding your true purpose in life. Visually stunning and sparkly. Sold by weight only. From Brazil.
Iolite also known as "water sapphire" and enables us to look at situations from all angles. It may also assist in recovering balance, disorientation, motivation, disorganization, and distraction. 1lb Tumbled Iolite, sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. From India.
This rough Ruby Zoisite is mined in India and is a magnificent stone with great beauty and power. Ruby Zoisite acts like plug for your energy system. Straighthening of the heart, bringing love, cofidence, loyalty and courage. 1lb untumble Ruby Zoisite, From India.
1lb of chip sized Chalcopyrite also called Peacock Ore is an uplifting stone. It serves not only as a healing agent, it makes a great color therapy with all its shimmer and colors. Chalcopyrite allows the mind to let go of stress, creating a calming comfort. Great for removing energy blocks as well as aligning the chakras. 1lb of Chalcopyrite untumbled by weight only with pieces that may be as small as chip size. From Mexico.
Rough Black Tourmaline and Quartz pieces. Black tourmaline carrying a power energy to assist with grounding, protection, and absorbing negative energy. Combined with Quartz, make this a powerful duo! Sizes and pieces range from small to medium chunks. 1lb Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. From Brazil.
Natural Rough Citrine untumbled. Citrine is like the sun when it comes to new beginnings! Known as the stone of abundance and wealth. A wonderful positive energy for magical and healing work. Citrine is the manifesting stone that may also help you with study and learning, good for relationships, and new beginnings. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count. Natural Citrine from Brazil.
This is grade A rough Labradorite pieces. These chunks are in their natural state with many of these pieces, you will see the popular iridescence shimmer popping through. This is a 1lb bag with sizes, shapes, colors and inclusions varying from piece to piece. Sold by weight only from Madagascar.
The amazing color of Turquoise will fill you with love and a little protection. Turquoise is considered a sacred stone with amazing earthy colors and markings. May assist you energetically with courage, love, friendships, healing and is a lucky stone. Sold by weight only with sizes, shapes, colors and inclusions varying from piece to piece.1lb untumbled Turquoise from Peru. Pieces may be larger and will vary
Great chunks of AA grade untumbled Amethyst, giving it a higher quality and more of the deeper healing and purple tones that we love so much. Amethyst helps with happiness, calming fear, emotional storms, courage, love, peace, addiction, dreams, helps with insomnia and nightmares. Sold by weight only with sizes, shapes, colors and inclusions varying from piece to piece.1lb untumbled from Madagascar.
You will feel the energy of these Dragon Blood Jasper when you open up a bag of these untumbled stones. Dragon Blood jasper offers an intense healing that will promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. May also assist with sadness, sorrow, self-pity, grief, and close mindedness. Untumbled and sold by weight only with sizes, shapes, colors and inclusions varying from piece to piece. From Madagascar.
These untumbled Blue Tiger Eye is also known as Hawk eye, make wonderful stones to work with. You can see the natural blue tones popping through the center each piece. Blue Tiger Eye is a popular stone for grounding., protection & energy shifting. It may also help shed excess energies and find balance within and without, especially when you are going through difficult phases of life, or are seeking to help make a new transition as smooth as possible. Use this balance to help ease doubt and provide clarity and vision when you are making tough decisions. Sold by weight only with sizes, shapes, colors and inclusions varying from piece to piece. 1lb Untumbled Blue Tiger Eye from Madagascar.