7 Stone leather blank book w/ 3 latch |
A massive tome with three latches to keep it closed and a line of 7 Chakra stones running down the front over the simple mandala centered on the cover. Embossing at the edge and on the rear cover may vary. Size may vary slightly. 180 blank, handmade, linen parchment paper pages. 13 1/2" x 18", (made from goat leather). Latches show signs of oxidation. |
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7 Units In Stock |
14"x22" 7 Stone leather blank book |
Our most massive tome ever with a line of 7 Chakra stones running down the front inside of an Indian inspired design centered on the cover. Embossing at the edge and on the rear cover may vary. Size may vary slightly. There are no latches or cord to tie this book closed and it is not meant for travel. 400 blank, handmade, linen parchment paper pages. When considering shelf space this book is just over 4" thick. 14" x 22", (made from goat leather). |
Special Pricing Available |
2 Units In Stock |
Book of Chakra Healing by Liz Simpson |
Restore your optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual self with chakra healing, an ancient Indian system that focuses on energies originating in seven centers of the body. Dip into this vital, easy-to-use, and lushly illustrated guide to learn about the archetypes associated with each chakra, find a feast of techniques and visualizations, and get information on every conceivable aspect of healing. Supplementary material provides basics on crystals, essential oils, and altars for your home, along with numerous charts and references. |
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6 Units In Stock |
Chakras for Beginners by David Pond |
This book will convince you that inner imbalance is not caused by situations in the outer world. Instead, your imbalances create the situations that interfere with your sense of well-being and peace. Chakras for Beginners explains how to align your energy on many levels to achieve balance and health from the inside out. In everyday terms, you will learn the function of the seven body-spirit energy vortexes called chakras. Practical exercises, meditations, and powerful techniques for working with your energy flow will help you overcome imbalances that block your spiritual progress. |
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7 Units In Stock |
Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier |
Chakras are the centers of energy in our body that profoundly affect our well-being. Through this exquisitely designed volume, newcomers to this alternative form of spirituality can understand every aspect of chakra power. In addition to an illuminating introduction, a detailed guide covers each chakra, with their associated colors, Indian deity, healing stone, and emotional and physical actions. One by one, go through the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras, as well as some newly discovered ones and chakras from different traditions. There’s also invaluable information on connecting chakras with aura reading and healing, and yoga exercises and meditations to strengthen each chakra. |
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Crystal Reiki by Krista Mitchell |
Two popular practices, crystal and energy healing, in one great, expert handbook! Krista Mitchell (Change Your Energy) is a master at crystal healing, and with Crystal Reiki, she has created a handbook for practitioners both amateur and professional. This hot new technique combines crystal layouts with energy healing to treat a variety of ailments. Fully illustrated and easy to use, this comprehensive guide teaches the fundamentals of working with crystals and chakras; explains how healers should prepare themselves, their space, and their tools; covers four levels of healing that include auras, body, mind, and spirit; and stresses the importance of self-care for healers themselves. |
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8 Units In Stock |
Little Bit of Chakras (hc) by Leigh & Mercree |
Explore the mystical world of chakras. For thousands of years, mystics have worked with and studied chakras and incorporated them into spiritual practices. This book shares contemporary Western views about chakras being energy centers that can influence physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. You'll learn where chakras are located in the human body and how to connect with them through guided meditations and activities. 5.2" x 7.1" with 128 pages. |
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3 Units In Stock |
Chakra Candles Reiki Infused 7 Chakra kit |
Reiki infused 7 Chakra candle kit with one candle for each Chakra. Burn while visualizing the colors swirling through your energy channels as it cleanses, clears, and balances your entire system. Choose the colored candle that coordinates with the Charka you are working and burn for as long as desired or snuff out to use in your next meditation or spiritual practice. Kit includes: Seven Reiki infused Chakra chime candles, Tumbled Quartz crystal to amplify your intentions of healing, a card explaining the colors, and a balancing charm to carry or wear as an extension of your practice. 1/2" wide chime |
Special Pricing Available |
18 Units In Stock |
Reiki Bible by Eleanor McKenzie |
Reiki practitioners have unlimited access to healing energy, for themselves and others. For this reason, it has quickly spread across the globe as people use it to cure ills, soothe emotions, and live the life they want. The Reiki Bible provides a comprehensive, stunningly designed guide to this ancient spiritual system. It covers Reiki's origins and development; the energy and body systems; and the three levels of Reiki. All the hand positions appear in easy-to-follow captioned photographs, and there's advice on using Reiki for friends and family; at all life stages; for health and well-being; for alleviating common conditions; and in tandem with other therapies. |
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7 Chakra jar candle |
This is an unscented 7 chakra jar candle. Starting with the crown at the top and burns all the way down to the root Chakra. Allow your focused intention work with your powerful energy channels. Jar stands almost 8" with the name and symbol of each chakra on the glass. |
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Crown Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Crown Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Crown Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
Special Pricing Available |
19 Units In Stock |
Third Eye Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Third Eye Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Third Eye Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
Special Pricing Available |
9 Units In Stock |
Throat Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Throat Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Throat Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
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17 Units In Stock |
Heart Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Heart Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Heart Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
Special Pricing Available |
19 Units In Stock |
Solar Plexus Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Solar Plexus Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Solar Plexus Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
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16 Units In Stock |
Sacral Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Sacral Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Sacral Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
Special Pricing Available |
17 Units In Stock |
Root Chakra pillar candle 3" x 6" |
A vivid and brilliantly colored pillar from Crystal Journey Candles dedicated to the Root Chakra. The removable paper label contains detailed information about the Root Charka and its energy. PAPER LABEL SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE LIGHTING! |
Special Pricing Available |
18 Units In Stock |